Gift Registry

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Whether you are looking into a registry for an upcoming wedding or other event in your life, our sales and bridal consultants are pleased to assist you in any way possible. We now have the option of a full registry system.


Benefits of our Gift and Bridal Registration

Registry information available both in our store and on-line.

Ability to register for any item available in our store as well as on our web-site.

Personal consultation by phone (toll-free within North America), email, or in person with a bridal or registry professional.

Personal sales assistance for guests/family and friends by phone (toll-free within North America), fax, email, or in-store.

Free "Registered At" cards to include into shower or wedding invitations at your request.

Automatic complimentary gift-wrapping for all gifts purchased.

Arrangements offered for in-store gift pick-up service and/or shipping for convenience of registrant and guests.

*Gift tracking service: Ability to inform you of when each gift was purchased and who the purchaser was. (By request only)

If your registry is active in our systems (see below), you will be notified by phone and/or email should we receive notification that your pattern has been or will be discontinued. (Please note however that we do not receive notification from all companies and cannot guarantee availability of product)

*Minimum two year accessibility on your registry both instore and online... Your registry will remain active on our systems indefinitely should your registry be used/updated at least once every 18 months.

For privacy reasons, access to your online registry is available only with a unique registration code which is given to you upon registering with us.
This code may be distributed by yourself, friends or family at your discretion. We will also distribute this code to anyone requesting it.
Your in-store registry is accessible by name(s) of registrant(s) or code number.